05 August – 12 August 2013
Pervolia, Larnaka
S.P.O.R.T.S for Youth exchange was an idea born from the effort of the Children Movement of EDON and other organizations to create mutual understanding on common concerns and matters affecting young people, between young people from Cyprus and young people from other countries. The project will be a youth exchange with neighboring partner countries and EU countries, which will take place at Larnaka, Cyprus. The exchange will last 8 days, from 5th of August until the 12th of August 2013. There will be about 72 participants from 7 different countries: Cyprus, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Russia, Portugal and Finland.
As stated in the title of the project, S.P.O.R.T.S. (Supporting policies on the right to sports) for Youth, sports will be the main tool, with which we will be able to achieve our main targets. During the exchange there will be discussion on youth policies on sports at European and national level, in order to see in which ways these policies approach social matters such as improvement of youth health and healthy life style, reinforcement of the role of sports in education, active participation, social inclusion, integration and equal rights and fight against racism and xenophobia.
All the above will be seen under the scope of all the countries participating, discussing in which ways these social matters apply to their countries. In addition to that, except from using sports and outdoor activities in our programme in order to promote healthy life styles, we will try to educate young people participating in the exchange, in order to learn about other countries and cultures, as well as to live and cooperate with young people with different background and cultural characteristics, basically experience firsthand the notion of cultural diversity.
Finally, at the exchange 7 youth organizations will participate, from different countries, all of them dealing with matters affecting young people and children, therefore it will be a great opportunity to exchange practices and experiences not only on the theme of the exchange, but also on several other matters that affect the everyday lives of young people.
Children Movement of EDON
August 2013
Photos from the activities