The speech of Nicolas Papademetriou, on behalf of EDON, in a discussion of Europe Direct Nicosia, with the title “What does the EU means for the youth in the prospect of a reunited Cyprus? Challenges and opportunities in regards to employment and social cohesion?”
Dear compatriots,
On behalf of the Central council of EDON I would like to greet the today’s event which is attended by Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot Youth. For EDON the cooperation and communication between the two communities is prioritized in our action and is reflected through the reapproachment process that EDON follows since 1974. The common actions and activities with the Turkish Cypriot youthare included every yer in the plan of action of EDON and we are committed to support and reinforce this kind of activities on a broader level.
In our understanding and analysis our people's struggle for liberation and reunification is being waged in a difficult geopolitical environment characterized by an intensification of imperialist aggression; an environment which leads to the prevalence of the law of the mighty at the expense of International Law, resulting in the interests of the peoples being damaged. In this critical situation,our people has to fight with all its powers, otherwise our island will once again become a victim of the big imperialist centers.
For us, to see the potential of organized people of Cyprus, it is vital to understand the political and social environment, in which Cypriots live and work at the present. Cypriot society is characterized by all the negative phenomena that are associated with the current stage of development of the capitalist system in our country, as well as the decisive influence of the international environment, as it develops in the era of the imperialist "New World Order" and the global capitalist crisis.
At the same time the dominant neo-liberal policies and the general conservative-reactionary institutional structure of the European Union, have also been crucial to exercising influence in the social-economic environment.
The Cypriot youth, must be in constant struggle to prevent implementation of other anti-popular and anti-labour measures, which have already devastated other peoples in Europe and are also targeting us. We have to fight against the selling-off of state wealth, neither the limitation of the sovereignty of the Republic. We must struggle for the interests of youth and workers, and not for those accumulating the wealth.
Nowadays, that society pushes young people to individualism, to apathy, disdain, subjugation, in disorientation from the real problems of our time, this struggle is getting more difficult. The fact that the majority of Media, in particular, but also other institutions in society play their own negative role in forming consciousness, compatible with the ideology and the "values" of the establishment of the current system, is also creating numerus obstacles in our way.
The only way to be strong enough in those struggles is to transcend those barriers and be united; be united as one people and fight against all those who want us separated. In this point the role of Cypriot youth is of major importance. As the most progressive and pioneer part of society, the youth has a decisive role in the solution of Cyprus problem.
Since the first attempts of imperialism to divide our island, some groups, inside and outside of Cyprus, are trying to convince our people that the Cyprus problem is a psychological and cultural problem instead of an international problem of invasion, occupation, colonization, foreign intervention and the flagrant violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Cyprus. Youth, especially now,need to stand against any attempts of foreign centers to misinterpret thenature of the problem.
Dear Compatriots,
The Cyprus problem is, was and remains a result of imperialist aggressions. It constitutes a violation of human rights and political freedoms of the Cypriot people as a whole. It is a question of ethnic cleansing imposed through the force of arms. It is a fact that the generations who suffered the invasion and all the violence that preceded it, curry feelings that is difficult to change from one day to another. Considering this, the Cyprus problem is at the same time a problem concerning the restoration of the relationships between the two communities andthe part who is more suitable to achieve this restoration is of course the youth.
Especially now that we are at such a critical point of the negotiations we know that nationalist elements in both communities will try to harm the good relations in-between our people. In those circumstances, it becomes even more necessary to promote the message of brotherhood of our people and reunification of our country, among Greek and Turkish Cypriots. Thought, to be effective,rapprochement should be based on common class, social and political struggles and expressed in the struggle for a common country, for a federal solution and for safeguarding the human rights of our people against imperialism.
We realize that youth in each community has a special role to play in this effort. Among the Greek Cypriots, some of the political parties, politicians and various nationalist circles, oppose and undermine the solution of a bizonal, bicommunal federation. They attempt to mislead the people of Cyprus, projecting idealized solutions rather than feasible ones, on the pretext of "a European solution". In the name of this idealized solution, a non-solution culture and acceptance of partition of the island it is eventually cultivated. Those who oppose the federal solution, are actually promoting division, whether they realize it or not, which will lead to disastrous consequences for our country and our people. Also, today more than ever, the Turkish Cypriot community is facing various threats against its very existence. The Turkish government imposes austerity programs, while at the same time reduces the political autonomy of the Turkish Cypriots and puts in question their cultural identity. We recognize thought the existence of strong Turkish Cypriot movement against Turkish efforts and we believe that in this way the Turkish Cypriot community should continue.
The perpetuation of the invasion and occupation status quo, added to the negative attitude of the Turkish side, justifiably causes pessimism among people and youth and make our fight even harder. It is our duty to combat any pessimism and resignation. In this direction, we have to intensify our efforts to educate the youth of Cyprus, especially to make them realize that the struggle for a solution to the Cyprus issue is in fact a very difficult struggle.
Realizing this, regardless these difficulties, we have to support with all of our powers the negotiation process, without this meaning that we give a carte blanche to the leaders of the two communities. Instead, we should be pressing our leaders for a solution in the right directions and this pressure has to be coming from both communities and in the same direction.
Another great danger we believe is needed to be confronted by both communities, is the positions for a "loose federation" and "extended negotiations" and guarantees. These positions serve foreign interests. The possibility of a solution to the Cyprus problem, which will include a provision that makes NATO a guarantor power, should not be negotiable for any Cypriot. We should oppose to any attempt of accession of Cyprus to NATO or its branches, as is the Partnership for Peace. The ultimate goal should be the complete demilitarization of the Republic of Cyprus and the removal of the SBA (Sovereign Base Areas), this will only be achieved by the common struggle of the two communities based on the same solution. Youth has to oppose and fight against every imperialist intervention no matter where it comes from, even if it’s coming from or being supported by EU.
At the foreign policy level, EU is increasingly linked to the objectives of NATO. The ongoing agreement process between EU and US of the so called Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is indicative of the effort to shape a common Euro-Atlantic market, an "economic NATO" that will remove every barrier to the activities of multinationals and monopolies. Billions of euros out of the EU and Member States budget are given to armament programs and military missions, to support the so called "preventive wars". At the same time, interventions in the internal affairs of other countries, especially the Middle East (Libya, Syria, etc.), still continue. The position of the EU on the situation in Ukraine, along with the support to the extreme right and neo-Nazi government, is added to the EUs former stance in the Balkans, in Yugoslavia during the '90s, in the case of independence process of Kosovo, etc.
The participation of the EU, together with NATO and its allies, in the imperialist wars is creating huge flows of immigration, especially from the Middle East and Africa. The hypocritical tears shed by the EU in addressing the plight of migrants and refugees drowning in thousands in the Mediterranean Sea does not negate the substance of the issue. EU is complicit in the victimization of immigrants and refugees, as not only it does not address the root causes of migration, but on the contrary EU turns more and more into a "fortress", strengthening its repressive mechanisms.
Also, the imposition of the Lisbon Treaty, the "Europe 2020 Strategy", the establishment of the Single Economic Governance, the creation of the Banking Union and the further institutionalization of the cooperation between the EU and IMF and the ongoing conclusion of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (ICRC -TTIP) between the US and EU, confirm that EU is just an advanced form of capitalist economic and political integration and like that is should be confronted by our youth.
In the same direction, we underline the need for changing correlations between political and social forces in the EU. We believe in the power and the militant traditions of the peoples of Europe, who can and must fight for a Europe that will benefit the peoples and not the monopolies. A Europe for the working people, solidarity, social justice and peace.
Thought, we have to recognize that the conflicts between the specific formation and others are giving us the chance to benefit in some ways from our participation to EU. Especially in fields such us environment culture and education, EU is giving many opportunities that we have to reclaim. We should not have illusions, we should know that every benefit we have from EU somehow maximizes the profits of someone - though we can use whatever is given to Europe’s people to raise the level of living for the next generations.
In order to achieve the previous goals, we need of course, our youth to be active and combative. The current social system deifies profit and imposes a never-ending competition, individualism and selfishness. It’s a system, which “kills” solidarity and tries to form young people as an element of the society, which will be egocentrical, marginalized and detached from collective participation and action. This is why a great number of young people distance themselves from politics, the political parties and collective struggle, making it a very troubling trend for our society, since phenomena of repulsion, depreciation, frustration and alienation from the political processes function as a mechanism of self-defense, maintenance and reproduction of the status-quo.Also, even thought, young people show sensitivity about the Cyprus problem, significant numbers of youngsters seem to have accepted the status quo, or some others are misled by reactionary positions and newly revived extreme right-wing nationalistic organizations. The biggest losers of apathy and indifference are our society and our country.
Despite this great pressure, Cypriot youth broadly retains characteristics of doubt, spontaneity and the tendency towards novelty. Those are radical and progressive characteristics, on which social change can be grounded. All those facts given, we conclude that our major priority should be the massive reactivation of our youth. The participation of young people in massive youth organizations, such as student and pupil’s organizations is very important.
The best guarantee towards a correct orientation of the youth is the creation of a big united front against imperialism and for the reunification of our people and our country.We have to link every action which aims to defend and extend the rights and benefits for young people to the struggle against neoliberalism, imperialism, and the fight for social progress, which helps the youth realize that better life conditions can only emerge through collective, organized and constant struggle. Our actions can reveal to young people the connection between the goals, the struggles and the vision of a reunited country. This kind of action is the one helping youth to realize the necessity of organized struggle.
Dear Compatriots,
In that orientation, and with the youth in front, we have to fight for a modern state in which economic growth and social welfare can coexist with harmony; Where a more equitable distribution and redistribution of wealth created by society will be promoted; Where a distribution of the financial burdens will be implemented according to one’s income and budget; Where there will be a more humane and socially sensitive state, which will protect and support the economically vulnerable strata of society, such as youth. Where public finances, being neat, will release resources for development and social cohesion.More and more importantwe have to fight for peace and reunification in our country, for a future that will guarantee that the whole of the people of Cyprus will be the real masters of their land.
The Central Council of EDON